
Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2018
Primera guerra mundial començar el 1914 i va finalitzar en 1918. Les causes van ser el nacionalisme (sentiment d'orgull de pertànyer a una nació), l'imperialisme (El desenvolupament industrial i les divisions de les colònies general competència i rivalitat entre els països), el militarisme (Europa estava de ple en una cursa armenrista, és a dir que invertia molts diners en armes, encara que en aquest moment no hi havia guerra, i per últim la política d'aliances, és a dir, abans que comencés la guerra els països van signar contractes d'aliances. Vol dir que sense un país és atacat, els seus aliats han de defensar-lo i involucrar-també, tenint en compte aquest criteri, es van formar dos bàndols: Triple Aliança: Alemanya, Autro-Hongria i Itàlia (més endavant Itàlia acaba canviant-se a la Triple Entesa) Després es uneixen Japó, Estats Units, Sèrbia, Grècia i Bèlgica. Triple Al davant: Rússia, França i Regne Unit. Després s'uneixen Bulgària i l'imperi Otomà.
Hello, my name is Miguel and this week has passed something INCREDIBLE! last week I was walking through the muntanyeta with some friends, at 8:00 p.m., then we went through a store because we had been very thirsty, we bought the drink $, we went to walk a little bit longer and each one went to his home, when I was entering my house I felt that I forgot something, I checked to see what I was forgetting before entering my house, I had my hat, my wallet but I lacked the phone, I HAD LEFT THE MOBILE IN THAT SHOP !, It was 9:55 and all the stores closed at 10 so I had to hurry, ran and ran and found the man from the store that was closing, I told him that he had left my cell phone in his store and then opened again, there was nothing, then it was when I realized ... I do not have a cell phone. :3