
My travel guide of amsterdam Lenguage : The official language of the Netherlands is  Dutch , spoken by almost all people in the Netherlands. Habitants :  While Amsterdam has a 2016 population of 813,562 in the city limits, the urban area has a population estimated at 1.1 million and a greater metropolitan area with a population close to 1.6 million. The city has a population density of 4,908 people per square kilometer (12,710/sq mi). Currency : The country is divided into twelve provinces and has more than five hundred municipalities. The official language is Dutch or Dutch, a language of Nordic origin with Germanic roots. The official currency is the Euro, which is the monetary sign shared by most European countries. Best time to get there: An exellent time to visit amsterdam or any other part of holland, is during the months of may to october. If we talk about the months of May to October we are talking about the seasons of spring, summer and autumn. W
Primera guerra mundial començar el 1914 i va finalitzar en 1918. Les causes van ser el nacionalisme (sentiment d'orgull de pertànyer a una nació), l'imperialisme (El desenvolupament industrial i les divisions de les colònies general competència i rivalitat entre els països), el militarisme (Europa estava de ple en una cursa armenrista, és a dir que invertia molts diners en armes, encara que en aquest moment no hi havia guerra, i per últim la política d'aliances, és a dir, abans que comencés la guerra els països van signar contractes d'aliances. Vol dir que sense un país és atacat, els seus aliats han de defensar-lo i involucrar-també, tenint en compte aquest criteri, es van formar dos bàndols: Triple Aliança: Alemanya, Autro-Hongria i Itàlia (més endavant Itàlia acaba canviant-se a la Triple Entesa) Després es uneixen Japó, Estats Units, Sèrbia, Grècia i Bèlgica. Triple Al davant: Rússia, França i Regne Unit. Després s'uneixen Bulgària i l'imperi Otomà.
Hello, my name is Miguel and this week has passed something INCREDIBLE! last week I was walking through the muntanyeta with some friends, at 8:00 p.m., then we went through a store because we had been very thirsty, we bought the drink $, we went to walk a little bit longer and each one went to his home, when I was entering my house I felt that I forgot something, I checked to see what I was forgetting before entering my house, I had my hat, my wallet but I lacked the phone, I HAD LEFT THE MOBILE IN THAT SHOP !, It was 9:55 and all the stores closed at 10 so I had to hurry, ran and ran and found the man from the store that was closing, I told him that he had left my cell phone in his store and then opened again, there was nothing, then it was when I realized ... I do not have a cell phone. :3